How to get the distribution, how to install it, i.e. produce the executables; what you need for a succesful installation, and what to do if the installation is NOT successful! Updated March 2018
Requirements for Quantum ESPRESSO installation
Things that you MUST have on your machine:- Unix, or a Unix-like environment (a shell and the Make utility): Mac OS-X ok, Windows with "cygwin" ok
- a working fortran compiler compliant with the F2003 standard (not-so-old compilers, e.g., "gfortran", should do the job)
- a working C compiler ("gcc" is ok)
In order to run in parallel, you MUST have at least one of the following:
- working MPI (Message-passing Interface): parallel compiler ("mpif90" or similar scripts), MPI libraries, run-time environment ("mpirun" or similar launchers)
- OpenMP-capable compiler and autothreading mathematical libraries (for multi-core CPUs)
- BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines):
- LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package):
- FFTW (Fast Fourier-Transform package):
- Fast mathematical libraries
- For parallel execution: fast interprocess communication hardware and software
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