Since 18/01/2017

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Practical 2: Introduction to Electronic Structure Calculations using GAMESS

 This practical is a modification of a practical written by Udo W. Schmitt.


In the previous lectures we've learned about the theoretical basis of electronic structure calculations. Here we use a number of methods, and, in particular, the Hartree-Fock method that is suitable to compute properties near the ground state of the molecule.

In short, the key approximation of Hartree-Fock (HF) is to model the electron wave function as a single Slater determinant. Recall from the second lecture that this can only be an approximation because the Slater determinant is an (anti-symmetrized) product of single-electron wave functions. However, a product of single-electron wave functions would solve the Schrödinger only in case of non-interacting electrons, which is obviously not exactly correct. Nevertheless, HF provides a reasonable approximation for the ground state. In addition, HF is of high interest because it is essentially the starting point of quantum chemistry.

In the context of HF, we here use only the "Restricted Hartree-Fock" (RHF) method, where the orbitals are double occupied by electrons, that is, we have "closed shell" systems.

Now it is time to jump into the electronic structure business and perform a couple of calculations by yourself.

The package we are going to use is called GAMESS. There are a number of GAMESS versions around. GAMESS(US) is free of charge and developed at Iowa State University. There is also a proprietary version, named GAMESS(UK), which is developed in England. Finally, a branched program called PC-GAMESS/Firefly is available. Here, we use GAMESS(US). Other popular quantum chemistry packages are Gaussian and Molpro, but they require a licence.

To start a calculation we basically need four things:

The files needed for this practical can be downloaded as an archive and unpacked by typing

tar xzvf praktgamess.tar.gz
cd praktgamess/H2/

The H-H molecule

Our first calculation will be the simple H2 molecule, which is the smallest molecule that exhibits all fundamental aspects of chemical bonding (why?).
A simple input for the electronic structure calculation of H2 is given below. In your directory it is called "h2.inp". Have a look at it with your favorite viewer (more, less, emacs, vi, ...)

hydrogen molecule with 6-G31
    H    1  0    0  0
    H    1  0.74 0  0

The $CONTROL specifies the type of wave function and calculation that should be done. We carry a "self-consistent field" (SCF) calculation, which means that the program iteratively updates the orbitals until a certain criterium is reached (see next lecture). The "restricted Hartree-Fock" (RHF) method is applied to compute the SCF. RUNTYP=ENERGY means we carry our a single-point calculation, that is we compute the energy of a single structure and do not scan or optimize the atomic coordinates.

The $BASIS line defines the (surprise) basis set to be used. Using the so-called Pople notation, we use the 6-31G** basis. G stands for "Gaussian", so a GTO basis, which is a sum of orbitals of . The other symbols indicated 6 Gaussian functions for the inner (non-valence) electrons and 4 (3+1) for the valence electrons is used. This is specified the keywords GBASIS and NGAUSS. Two two ** indicate that polarized orbitals are included in the basis set. The $DATA block defines arbitrary line for a Title and a symmetry group (C1 meaning no symmetry is assumed). Finally, each atom name is defined followed by the charge of the nucleus, and the x/y/z coordinates.

Note that each block $CONTROL ... $END, $DATA ... $END, etc. must be closed with an $END, and that a white space is required before the $ starting a block.

Now we start out first electronic structure calculation by typing

rungms h2.inp >& h2.log

Note: If you want to rerun the same .inp file you must first delete the file ~/scr/h2.dat.

Have a look at h2.log. In case GAMESS complains about a missing Fortran library (, type

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Downloads/praktgamess

(This assumes that you unpacked the tar archive under "Downloads" in your home directory. Please change the path appropriately if you have moved the directory elsewhere. Note that you will need to redefine the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable for every new terminal shell.)

During the calculation GAMESS writes an output file h2.log that communicates the most important infos to the user. Please extract the following information:

  • number of SCF cycles needed for convergence (check for section "RHF SCF CALCULATION")
  • the HF energy (section "ENERGY COMPONENTS").
  • the dipole moment (section "ELECTROSTATIC MOMENTS")
In the next step we want to perform the visualization of the bonding and antibonding molecular orbitals (MO) of the H2 molecule. To view the MOs, we will have to use VMD, a molecular visualization program for displaying, animating, and analyzing large biomolecular systems using 3-D graphics and built-in scripting.


vmd h2.log

will load information on the relevant MOs from the existing log file. In the main VMD window, go to Graphics->Representations. First, make the atoms visible: Choose Licorice as "Drawing Method" and reduce the "Bond Radius" to, say, 0.1.

Now let's visualize the orbitals. Select "Create Rep". For the new representation, select "Drawing Method"->"Orbital", "Coloring Method"->"ColorID", and "Material"->"Transparent". Now you should see the lowest-energy MO. Rotate the mouse wheel to zoom out to see the orbital more clearly, if necessary. Also play with the Isovalue. To visualize the next-lowest MO, create two new representations with the "Create Rep" button, and select "Orbital"->2 for both of them. Select a positive and a negative Isovalue for the two representations (e.g., 0.06 and -0.06) and choose different colors. You should get an image similar to the one shown here. Browse through the other orbitals and play with the Isovalue.

Question: What type of orbitals are the "Orbital" 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.? Compare with the images in the Wikipedia here and here.

Before continuing, exit VMD.

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The H-H molecule potential energy surface

So far, we have only performed so-called single-point calculations, i.e. computed the HF energy for a fixed nuclear configuration. GAMESS can also scan the energy along selected coordinates. In our case of the H2, we will now determine the energy profile (or the potential energy surface (PES)) along the H-H distance. The input file "h2scan_rhf.inp" now looks like this:

 $SURF ivec1(1)=1,2 igrp1=2 orig1=-0.3 disp1=0.05 ndisp1=150 $END
hydrogen molecule with 6-G31
    H    1  0 0 0
    H    1  0.74 0 0

Note the RUNTYP=SURFACE and the new section $SURF ... $END. The variables mean that we scan the distance (relative to the initial distance of 0.74A) between -0.3A and -0.3A + 150*0.05A. The program will loop over all specified distances and perform for each of those an independent SCF calculation.

rungms h2scan_rhf.inp >& h2scan_rhf.log

Use the script to extract the PES:

chmod +x
./ h2scan_rhf.log

Have a look at the output file h2scan_rhf_pes.dat with xmgrace.

Question: Estimate the required energy in kcal/mol to dissociate the H2 (that is, to break the bond). Note: GAMESS uses the energy unit Hartree (1 Hartree = 627.51 kcal/mol). How does the value compare to the experimental value of 104 kcal/mol?

The HF method gives molecular interaction energies that are only approximations to the exact quantum many-body energy. In the following we will study the effect of improving the HF approximation. Here we try

  • (a) Configuration interaction (CI). CI is a so-called Post-Hartree-Fock method that includes correlations between the electrons (in addition to the exchange energy, which is already included in HF). During CI, the electronic state is described as a linear combination of Slater determinants. This is in contrast to HF, which describes the electronic state as a single Slater determinant;
  • (b) Density functional theory (DFT) using the popular B3LYP hybrid functional. B3LYP stands for "Becke, three-parameter, Lee-Yang-Parr", who introduced the B3LYP functional.

rungms h2scan_ci.inp >& h2scan_ci.log
rungms h2scan_b3lyp.inp >& h2scan_b3lyp.log
./ h2scan_ci.log
./ h2scan_b3lyp.log

Take a look at all PESs in xmgrace. Hint: use xmgrace -legend load *.dat

Question: How sensitive is the ground state bond length with respect to the method? How sensitive is the computed dissociation energy? Question: Is the bond length in agreement with the experimental value, which can be found here. So is the QM level more critical for estimation of the ground state geometry or to get the dissociation energy right? Question: Obviously, Hartree-Fock fails at large H-H distances. What could be an explanation? Hint: Recall that we used the Restricted Hartree-Fock method.

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The water molecule

Note: if you are running short in time, you could skip this section and proceed with the Caffeine example below.

Let us first switch to the directory where the input for water has been prepared:
cd ../water

Now we are going to move to a slightly more complex molecule having three nuclei and 10 electrons: the water molecule. We start with an incorrect geometry of the water molecule and ask GAMESS to optimize the geometry (note the "RUNTYP=OPTIMIZE" in the input file "water_opt.inp"). During the geometry optimization cycle a SCF calculation is performed. This one is used to compute the gradient of the total energy on the nuclei, which is then used to perform a move of the nuclei. Then the new nuclei positions are feeded into a new SCF calculation. These steps are repeated until the structure (=positions of the nuclei) does not change anymore. As the basis set, we use the popular 6-31G*, where the * indicates that d-polarized orbitals on heavy atoms are included (options NDFUNC=1).

Cnv 2

  O 8     0  0   0
  H 1    -1  0   0.8
! Meaning that the second H is at +1 / 0 / 0.8

Note that we list only one hydrogen atom here, since the symmetry group Cnv 2 will generate the second hydrogen. Run

rungms water_opt.inp >& water_opt.log

and check the output log file with VMD. In "Graphics"->"Representation" use, e.g., "Drawing Method"->"CPK". Use the frame bar in the main VMD windows to observe the optimization.

Question: Which H-O-H angle is predicted? (Check the section "EQUILIBRIUM GEOMETRY LOCATED" in the log file and calculate the angle from the coordinates). Hint: you can also use the script with the log file as argument:

chmod +x
./ water_opt.log

Use the simpler basis set 6-31G by removing the keywords NDFUNC=1 from water_opt.inp and re-run, after removing the scratch files from the previous run:

\rm ~/scr/water_opt.dat
rungms water_opt.inp >& water_opt.log
./ water_opt.log

Question: Which angle do you now get?
The generated MOs can again be visualized using VMD:

vmd water_opt.log

Have a look at all occupied MOs and elucidate their role for bonding in the water monomer. Which atomic orbitals of the individual atoms are predominately participating in each MO? Compare the MOs with the ones shown on the following web site: Molecular Orbitals of the Water Monomer

Question: Where are the electrons of the 2a1 orbital predominantly located? Hint: play with the Isosurface.

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The caffeine molecule

Finally we are going to compute the electronic structure of the well-known Caffeine molecule, which is a xanthine alkaloid compound that acts as a stimulant in humans. The structure of this biomolecule is shown to the left.

Take a quick look into caffeine.inp. Then type to start the HF calculation, and visualize the orbitals in VMD

cd ../caffeine
rungms caffeine.inp &> caffeine.log
vmd caffeine.log

Hint: Use two representations, one for the atoms (Drawing Method = CPK) and one for the orbital, then browse through the orbitals. Use the buttons "OrbList" and the drop-down list "Orbital" and play with the Isovalue.

Question: How many orbitals are occupied? Hint: If you don't like counting try in VMD console: molinfo top get orboccupancies and molinfo top get numelectrons. Visualize the so-called HOMO (highest occupied molecular orbital). Question: How many orbitals are located around a single atom? 

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