plot electronic properties from CRYSTAL first requires the output files
from a properties calculation which contain <filename>.BAND.DAT
or <filename>.DOSS.DAT. If these files are returned once a
properties calculation is completed, manipulating these output files
will allow you to construct band and DOS plots.
To choose the directions in k-space, you can use this summary of tables:
Preparing Band and DOS Input Files
opposed to running geometry optimization or SCF cycles, the input file
to run any electron properties requires the wavefunction file from a
prior SCF calculation.
Submission Script
input file requires using Pproperties from the Crystal14/17 folder.
Below is an example script which will submit a properties input file to
mendoza_q with 16 processors. To run it, save the script to some
directory (or your working directory) and call it along with the input
file name and number of processors. Your command line will look like the
>> <command from bash> <Input file name> <number of processors>
For example, say you have an input file called INPUT.d3 and you want to run it for 100 hours. You saved the submission script to some directory which you created a bash command called propsubmit, then your command line will be:
>> propsubmit <INPUT> 100
Once the script runs, it will produce a submission file in your working directory and automatically run it.
>> <command from bash> <Input file name> <number of processors>
For example, say you have an input file called INPUT.d3 and you want to run it for 100 hours. You saved the submission script to some directory which you created a bash command called propsubmit, then your command line will be:
>> propsubmit <INPUT> 100
Once the script runs, it will produce a submission file in your working directory and automatically run it.
echo '#!/bin/bash' > $
echo '#SBATCH -J '$1 >> $1.shout=$1file=-%J.ooutfile=$out$fileecho '#SBATCH -o '$outfile >> $1.shecho '#SBATCH -N 1' >> $1.shecho '#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16' >> $1.shecho '#SBATCH -p mendoza_q' >> $1.shtime=$2wall=:00:00timewall=$time$wallecho '#SBATCH -t '$timewall >> $ '#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL' >> $1.shecho '# remove the following line if already in your .bashrc fileexport PATH=/gpfs/research/mendozagroup/crystal/2017/v1_0_1b/ifort14/bin/Linux-ifort14_XE_emt64/v1.0.1:$PATH' >> $1.shecho 'export JOB='$1 >> $1.shecho 'export DIR=$SLURM_SUBMIT_DIRexport scratch=/gpfs/research/mendozagroup/scratch/crystal/${USER}/crys17
echo "submit directory: "echo $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
module purgemodule load intel/15module load intel-openmpi
mkdir -p $scratch/$JOB
# the following line need be modified according to where your input is locatedcp $DIR/$JOB.d3 $scratch/$JOB/INPUTcp $DIR/$JOB.f9 $scratch/$JOB/fort.9cd $scratch/$JOBtouch hostfilerm hostfilefor i in `scontrol show hostnames $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST`do echo "$i slots=16" >> hostfiledone# in the following, -np parameters should be equal to those specified above.
-np 16 -machinefile hostfile Pproperties 2>&1 >&
$DIR/${JOB}.pout #Notice how we have changed the executable from
Pcrystal to Pproperties
cp fort.9 ${DIR}/${JOB}.f9cp fort.25 ${DIR}/${JOB}.f25cp BAND.DAT ${DIR}/${JOB}.BAND.datcp DOSS.DAT ${DIR}/${JOB}.DOSS.datcp POTC.DAT ${DIR}/${JOB}.POTC.dat
# uncomment the next 5 lines if you want to remove the scratch directory#if [ $? -eq 0 ]#then# cd ${DIR}# rm -rf $scratch/${JOB}#fi' >> $
sbatch $
Creating Plots from Output Files
the properties run, the script will return a <filename>.BAND.DAT
or <filename>.DOSS.DAT file. These files are in a good format to
convert into a legible format to be plotted.
The following will outline the way to export the .DAT files into a readable format for gnuplot.
The following will outline the way to export the .DAT files into a readable format for gnuplot.
For DOS Plots
If you want to plot data, here is the recommended steps:
1. Run SCF cycle to get .f9 and .out files.
2. copy the .out and .f9 to another directory and run the script to create a .d3 file
1. Run SCF cycle to get .f9 and .out files.
2. copy the .out and .f9 to another directory and run the script to create a .d3 file
3. Run the .d3 file and copy the .DOSS.dat output to another directory
Run the script*) with the DOSS.dat output in that
directory. Change the line with the definition for data_folder to your
working directory or use the pwd command and parse that to the line.
5. You should now have a .eps file of your data.
(*) The script is not generalized to include spin up/down electrons. Instead, use the script (this script only takes a single output at a time rather than an entire directory). Also both of these scripts do not run for individual atoms. Instead, the shells are for each element in the structure.
5. You should now have a .eps file of your data.
(*) The script is not generalized to include spin up/down electrons. Instead, use the script (this script only takes a single output at a time rather than an entire directory). Also both of these scripts do not run for individual atoms. Instead, the shells are for each element in the structure.
For Band Structures
If you are interested in plotting the results, it is best to set up the following format:
1. Copy the two directories band_plot and d3_input. The d3_input directory contains files with each containing the pathway between high symmetry points for each type of crystal unit cell. The second, band_plot, contains the label for each high point of symmetry in the order the path is taken.
1. Copy the two directories band_plot and d3_input. The d3_input directory contains files with each containing the pathway between high symmetry points for each type of crystal unit cell. The second, band_plot, contains the label for each high point of symmetry in the order the path is taken.
e.g. for the hexagonal unit cell,
the following pathway connects all high points of symmetry which can be
copied and saved as a file.
other file for the hexagonal unit cell will save the label names which
are used for gnuplot. The info below can be copied and saved as another
{/Symbol G}
{/Symbol G}
{/Symbol G}
3. Run your .d3 files to get the output.
4. Copy your .dat, .out, and .d12 file to another directory and run the script. Again, change the line where data_folder is defined to be your working directory or parse the results of the pwd command to that line.
5. Voilà! Take your .eps image file and open it in Latex or image software.
4. Copy your .dat, .out, and .d12 file to another directory and run the script. Again, change the line where data_folder is defined to be your working directory or parse the results of the pwd command to that line.
5. Voilà! Take your .eps image file and open it in Latex or image software.