- Introduction
- A simple magnetic compound: KMnF3
- Breaking symmetry: KCoF3
- List of available input decks and output files
- Bibliography
- Further reading
Introduction |
In this session we will discuss the way CRYSTAL [1] can be used to study open-shell systems such as transition metal oxides in various magnetic states (ferromagnetic (FM), antiferromagnetic (AFM), ferrimagnetic) and how a system may be forced into the desired spin configuration.
A simple magnetic compound: KMnF3 [2] |
The geometry of KMnF3 (perovskite structure) is represented in figure 1: the space group is Pm-3m, there is one formula unit per cell and the asymmetric unit includes three atoms in the following special positions:
Mn (0,0,0) | K (1/2.1/2,1/2) | F (1/2,0,0) |
From our point of view KMnF3 is appealing for several reasons:
- it is fully ionic, with Mulliken atomic charges (q) very close to formal charges (qK = +1 |e|, qF � -0.9 |e|, qMn � +1.8 |e|
- its structure is cubic (perovskite)
- each Mn ion is at the centre of a regular octahedron
- two transition metal ions are linked by only one anion
- the Mn-F-Mn angle is 180 deg..
First of all, we want to compare the relative stability of the FM and the AFM phases. On this purpose, we must run the code twice, each time specifying the spin configuration in the input file.
The FM phase
The FM solution is obtained by requiring that there are 5 unpaired electrons per unit cell. Since the unit cell contains only one transition metal atom, this requirement implies that the total spin projection in the unit cell along the z direction (Szcell) is 5/2.
The CRYSTAL directive is SPINLOCK, which requires the specification of two integer arguments:
SPINLOCK 5 30 | Keyword to lock the spin difference na-nb na-nb and number of SCF cycles with na-nb fixed |
i.e. populate states in such a way that na-nb = 5 (na and nb denote the number of
spin electrons per cell) for 30 SCF cycles and remove the constraint from the 31-st cycle on.
Exercise 1: Run CRYSTAL with file kmnf3.d12 as an input.
Note: The SPINLOCK directive does not constrain unpaired electrons to localize at the Mn ions. It simply states that Szcell needs to be 5/2.
- What happens if we do not use the SPINLOCK directive?
- Why do we apply the SPINLOCK directive along 30 cycles?
- How can we visualize spin density distribution?
- If the SPINLOCK directive is omitted, there is no guarantee a priori that the SCF cycle may proceed to the FM solution spontaneously, when starting from a guess Fock matrix of isolated atoms or ions. In this case, if the SCF cycle is not driven by SPINLOCK to the proper FM phase spin configuration, it drifts towards an unstable metallic nonmagnetic state (i.e. a non polarized closed shell or diamagnetic phase).
- In general, the SPINLOCK directive needs to be active until the SCF process has found a numerically stable path along which the system converges to the required configuration regularly. Actually, in this case, the FM solution can be obtained by applying the SPINLOCK constraint only once, at the beginning of the SCF cycle.
- Spin density maps are certainly the best representations of spin density distribution. However, useful and synthetic information is gained from Mulliken population analysis (MULPOPAN directive in the SCF input section of CRYSTAL), that allows to see how spin density is distributed to atoms or, in more detail, to atomic orbitals. In this case, Mulliken population analysis shows very clearly that all the 5 unpaired electrons are almost completely localized on the Mn ion and populate d atomic orbitals. This picture is in substantial agreement with the very simple model of an isolated ion in a crystal field, that is commonly referred to in chemical language and indicates that the d atomic orbitals are hardly part of the valence structure of the crystal.
Exercise 2: Verify that, when the SPINLOCK directive in exercise 1 is omitted, a diamagnetic phase is obtained with metallic properties.
Exercise 3: Repeat exercise 1 by restricting the SPINLOCK directive to one SCF cycle only.
The AFM phase
Although, in principle, we could try an infinite number of AFM cells with Szcell = 0 to find the most stable phase, fortunately, it is well known that the experimental AFM phase of KMnF3 corresponds to that geometry where each Mn ion is surrounded by six nearest neighbouring Mn ions with opposite spin. To achieve this, we must consider a cell containing two nearest neighbouring Mn ions and break all symmetry relationship between them, so that they may carry opposite spin (see figure 1), i.e. transform the primitive cubic lattice into a commensurate face-centered cubic super lattice, which results from interpenetrating
-spin Mn sub lattices. The easiest way to do it with CRYSTAL is to use the SUPERCEL(L) option to define the geometry of the appropriate double volume cell. The input cards to be added in the geometry input section, in this case, are the following:
SUPERCEL 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 | Keyword to create a super cell Input of the expansion matrix elements |
The nine arguments to the SUPERCEL(L) option define the transformation matrix by rows. The matrix is multiplied by column vectors from the left, so that the new super lattice parameters (bi, = 1,2,3) are expressed in terms of the primitive lattice parameters (ai) as:
b1 = a1 + a2 | ||
b2 = a1 + a3 | (1) | |
b3 = a2 + a3 |
The bi vectors relate second nearest neighbouring Mn atoms to each other (along the face diagonals), whereas next nearest neighbours are no longer equivalent and can carry spin up and down, alternatively, as is shown in the central picture of figure 1. As the cell is doubled, the number of atoms per cell doubles too (10 instead of 5). However, the symmetry remains cubic (48 point symmetry operators).
In this case, the SPINLOCK directive will specify that Szcell = 0:
SPINLOCK 0 30 | Keyword to lock the spin difference na-nb na-nb and number of SCF cycles with na-nb fixed |
Actually, this condition can be satisfied in two different ways: either spin density is zero everywhere in the cell (diamagnetic or closed shell) or, although spin density is not zero, there are as many
- as
-spin electrons (any number). With this indeterminacy it is usually difficult to converge the SCF cycle to any definite state with CRYSTAL and, even if one succeeds in converging to some solution, it will generally not be any of the possible AFM phases, but most likely some metallic state with much higher total energy per cell. This situation is worst for system with unpaired electron in d orbitals, or in the present case.
Exercise 4: Run CRYSTAL for AFM KMnF3 specifying the SUPERCEL(L) and SPINLOCK directives, as suggested above.
The reason for this nasty behaviour is that the initial guess Fock matrix so defined is too far from the final SCF solution, in this case. Therefore, it is always helpful - in many cases mandatory - to drive the system to the required solution through the choice of a more reasonable initial guess. At least two alternative ways are available in CRYSTAL to serve this purpose: a) start the SCF cycle from the isolated atom solution and use the ATOMSPIN directive b) start the SCF cycle from the corresponding FM solution and use the SPINEDIT directive.
- a)
- the ATOMSPIN directive assigns the unpaired electrons of one or more atoms in the initial guess the desired spin component. The following input is required in this case:
1 +1 2 -1Keyword to set the atomic spin
number of atoms to attribute a spin
atom labels and spin (1, 0, -1)(+1) and those of the second atom in the list (the other Mn ion) spin
(-1). If not specified, all equivalent atoms would be attributed the same spin (
- b)
- The application of the SPINEDIT directive requires the knowledge of the corresponding FM solution for KMnF3 with the same geometry as that of the AFM phase (same super cell and number of symmetry operations). By specifying the GUESSP directive, the solution from the previous FM run (fortran unit 9) is read in input at the new CRYSTAL run (data are read from fortran unit 20). In order to obtain the AFM solution, addition of the following input cards is needed in the SCF section:
2Keyword to read the density matrix from a previous run
Keyword to edit the spin density matrix
number of atoms which spin must be reversed
atom labels
Note: If the FM and AFM solutions are obtained with the same geometry, the same set of mono- and bi-electronic integrals is used in both cases (they need to be computed only once).
Exercise 6: Run CRYSTAL for the FM KMnF3 using the (double) super cell specified above, save fortran unit 9 and copy to unit 20, then repeat exercise 4 adding the GUESSP and SPINEDIT directives in the SCF input section as specified above.
- Which of the two methods, a) and b), is to be preferred?
- In many cases the two techniques perform equally well and the choice is arbitrary. However, in those cases where the isolated atom initial guess is too far from the final solution, convergence is not easily achieved following a). Although the AFM phase is not simply like a spin alternant FM phase, the use of the FM solution through the GUESSP and SPINEDIT directives is often a valid alternative.
The FM-AFM energy difference (
Exercise 7: Use the results of exercises 1 and 5 to calculate the FM-AFM energy difference for KMnF3.Which is the more stable phase?
Is the method accurate enough for the calculation of
Since magnetic phase transitions involve quite small
- Does the use of super cells affect
E determination?
We compare the total energy of the FM phase obtained in exercise 1 (unit cell, 1 Mn ion) with that obtained with the super cell defined by vectors 1 (2 Mn ions per cell, 10 unpaired electrons): -2047.643417 and -4095.287422 hartree, respectively. The super cell energy is almost exactly twice the unit cell energy, the error is smaller than 1 .10-6 hartree, i.e. two orders of magnitude less thanE.Note: One of the crucial points of computational solid state chemistry and physics in this decade is the implementation of algorithms able to provide high numerical accuracy. If you have a periodic code at home, check one aspect of its numerical accuracy by performing the following test: evaluate the total energy of a system with a unit cell and with a super cell. The total energy should obviously scale linearly with the volume or the number of atoms.
- Experimental or calculated equilibrium geometry?
The small value ofE certainly leads to exclude a priori that any significant geometry variation may take place during the FM-AFM transition, so that both phases can be described as having essentially the same geometry. On the other hand, as
E decreases with the Mn-Mn distance very rapidly, small errors in the determination of equilibrium geometry (typically of the order of 2% within the HF approximation) may affect
E with large errors. For these reasons we are discouraged from optimizing geometry, and working at the experimental geometry is certainly to be preferred.
- Is the basis set used in the exercises adequate?
Data in table 1 show howE varies when improving the basis set.
Table 1: Total energy difference between the ferro- and antiferromagnetic phases ( E) of KMnF3 as a function of the basis set.
case Basis set DE a as used in exercise 1 0.293 b case a + d on F ( =0.7)
0.299 c case a with 5-1d on Mn instead of 4-1d 0.309 d case c + sp ( =0.25) on Mn
0.301 e case d + d ( =0.4) on K
Case e can be considered close to the HF limit.E changes within 15% in the variational basis set range considered. Basis set incompleteness may certainly not be invoked as an explanation of the much larger discrepancies between the calculated and experimental
The magnetic exchange coupling constant
The calculation of the magnetic exchange coupling constant J is particularly important for comparison with experiment. Ising's simple model of a spin lattice allows to relate J to(2) |
How is eq. 2 further simplified?
- since our model is periodic, if we neglect spin density at all atoms other than Mn, we may limit the first summation in the equation to the Mn ions of one unit cell, that are symmetric (or spin-antisymmetric).
- considering that the super exchange interaction is short ranged, as a first approximation, coupling with only next nearest neighbour Mn ions needs to be included.
(3) |
Exercise 8: Use the result of exercise 7 to calculate J for the FM-AFM transition. ( Note: experimental J are usually reported in Kelvin; the conversion factor to express J in K from
Breaking symmetry: KCoF3 [2] |
The result of exercise 9 shows that spin density is large only at the d atomic orbitals of the transition metal, just as happens with KMnF3. Therefore, the simple model of a Co ion in a crystal field can be helpful in the interpretation of the transition metal electronic configuration in this case, too. According to crystal-field theory, the d-levels of each Co ion, at the centre of a regular octahedron formed by 6 F ions (point group: Oh, or m-3m), split into two sets of degenerate levels, which group theory classifies as t2g (triply degenerate) and eg (doubly degenerate), respectively. The dxy , dxz , dyz atomic orbitals are a basis for the t2g irreducible representation, d2z2-x2-y2 and dx2-y2 for eg and elementary electrostatics considerations suggest that t2g be lower in energy.
Is the result of exercise 9 correct?
Hund's rules say how the d levels of an atom must be populated: since the atomic configuration of Co includes 7 electrons in the d orbitals, maximum spin multiplicity is gained with two doubly- and three singly-occupied d levels. Actually, Mulliken atomic orbital population data in CRYSTAL output from exercise 9 do not comply with Hund's rules. In fact, due to symmetry constraints only the two eg levels are singly-occupied and degeneracy imposes that nearly 1.7 |e| are accommodated in each of the t2g orbitals. A more stable configuration can be obtained only by partly removing the t2g degeneracy and allowing Jahn-Teller distortion. This means that crystalline KCoF3 must have lower symmetry than cubic. For example, if the CoF6 octahedron is distorted along one of its principal directions, say z, symmetry is lowered to D4h (4mmm) and the t2g representation is no longer irreducible, so that it can be decomposed into two terms: eg and b2g. dxz and dyz are the basis for the doubly degenerate eg and dxy for the monodimensional representation. This corresponds to the transformation from cubic symmetry to tetragonal.
How do we tell CRYSTAL to reduce symmetry?
One possibility is consulting the International Tables of Crystallography to find the new space group in the list of the non-isomorphic subgroups of Pm-3m. The group we are interested in is that where all symmetry relationship between z and the orthogonal coordinates x and y are missing, i.e. P4mmm. This is the only piece of information we need to prepare the new geometry input for CRYSTAL.
The other possibility is to cheat CRYSTAL. The ELASTIC keyword in the geometry input section (see CRYSTAL User's Manual) allows distortion of the lattice for the calculation of elastic constants. In this case, input of the following cards:
ELASTIC -2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.000000001 | Keyword to perform an elastic deformation of the lattice deformation in terms of e strain tensor eij matrix elements |
Exercise 10: Repeat exercise 9 breaking lattice symmetry (from cubic to tetragonal). Compare total energy and Mulliken atomic orbital populations to those previously obtained.
Is there a way to converge CRYSTAL more rapidly to the desired solution?
To speed up convergence in the SCF cycle the EIGSHIFT directive in the SCF input section can be conveniently used as follows:
EIGSHIFT 1 1 6 5 0. .3 | Keyword to alterate the orbital occupation before SCF number of elements to be shifted (diagonal only) atom label, nr. of shells in the selected atom basis set, nr. of AO in the selected shell, a-spin shift, b-spin shift |
Exercise 11: Repeat exercise 10 using the EIGSHIFT directive to speed up convergence.
- Why has KCoF3 been modelled as a cubic crystal?
- What action is taken with the EIGSHIFT directive?
- Is the EIGSHIFT directive only used to speed up convergence?
- The removal of degeneracy in the t2g orbitals of Co (Jahn-Teller distortion) due to symmetry loss corresponds to a real deformation of the KCoF3 crystal, that becomes tetragonal with lattice parameters a ¹ c. However, since the difference between them is small, a = c have been used in the exercise, as for a cubic crystal. Symmetry breaking is sufficient to allow for Jahn-Teller distortion, even if it does not correspond to a real change in geometry.
- The
-dxy diagonal element in the initial Fock matrix is altered in such a way that the corresponding orbital is emptied and becomes part of the virtual manifold. The expected result is that the SCF cycle proceeds to a solution where the
-dxy energy band is raised above Fermi energy.
- In this case, the use of the EIGSHIFT is not necessary to drive the system to a particular state, which is simply obtained by breaking symmetry; however, there are many cases where the energy surface is characterized by a more complex structure of local minima and EIGSHIFT may become important in driving the system to one particular spin configuration. For example, if a double super cell is used for the calculation of the FM wave function of the KCoF3 crystal, convergence is not gained as easily as in exercise 10, because there is now more variational freedom, and use of the directive is necessary to get the result.
The asymmetry introduced by Jahn-Teller distortion complicates the calculation of the magnetic coupling constants in this case. Since the nearest neighbouring Co ions of each Co along the z direction now differ from those on the xy-plane, two different coupling constants, Jxy and Jz, will correspondingly appear in eq. 2, when limiting the summation to six nearest neighbours. Eq. 3 can be applied to KCoF3 only if we consider an average J, otherwise a more appropriate equation is needed:
(4) |
b1 = a1 | b2 = a2 | b3 = 2 a3 |
From the application of eq. 2 to AFM' a new relation follows:
(5) |
List of available input decks and output files
KMnF3 | es1.d12 | es1.out | KMnF3 in a ferromagnetic phase |
es2.d12 | es2.out | KMnF3 in a diamagnetic phase | |
es3.d12 | es3.out | KMnF3 with SPINLOCK restricted only to the first SCF | |
es4.d12 | es4.out | KMnF3 in a AFM phase | |
es5.d12 | es5.out | KMnF3 in a AFM phase using ATOMSPIN | |
es6.d12 | es6.out | KMnF3 in a AFM phase using SPINEDIT | |
KCoF3 | es9.d12 | es9.out | KCoF3 |
es10.d12 | es10.out | KCoF3 with a tetragonal symmetry | |
es11.d12 | es11.out | KCoF3 with EIGSHIFT | |
es12.d12 | es12.out | KCoF3 in a AFM phase |